Instrumental Variables

Drew Dimmery

February 20, 2015


  • Rubber duck debugging:
    • Use when you can’t figure out why your code doesn’t work right
    • Find something inanimate to talk to
    • Explain what your code does, line by excruciating line
    • If you can’t explain it, that’s probably where the problem is.
    • This works ridiculously well.
    • You should also be able to tell your duck exactly what is stored in each variable at all times.
  • Check individual elements of your code on small data such that you know what the right answer should be.

Introduce an Example

  • We’ll be working with data from a paper in the most recent issue of IO.
  • Helfer, L.R. and E. Voeten. (2014) “International Courts as Agents of Legal Change: Evidence from LGBT Rights in Europe”
  • The treatment we are interested in is the presence of absence of a ECtHR judgment.
  • The outcome is the adoption of progressive LGBT policy.
  • And there’s a battery of controls, of course.
  • Voeten has helpfully put all replication materials online.

Prepare example

d <- read.dta("replicationdataIOLGBT.dta")
#Base specification
d$ecthrpos <- as.double(d$ecthrpos)-1
d.lm <- lm(policy~ecthrpos+pubsupport+ecthrcountry+lgbtlaws+cond+eumember0+euemploy+coemembe+lngdp+year+issue+ccode,d)
d <- d[-d.lm$na.action,]
d$issue <- as.factor(d$issue)
d$ccode <- as.factor(d$ccode)
##                   Estimate   Std. Error    t value     Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)  -1.588605e+00 4.956355e-01 -3.2051890 1.360035e-03
## ecthrpos      6.500937e-02 1.056423e-02  6.1537237 8.289029e-10
## pubsupport    6.549488e-03 2.742967e-03  2.3877390 1.699714e-02
## ecthrcountry  1.297322e-01 3.583626e-02  3.6201389 2.979822e-04
## lgbtlaws      2.358238e-02 6.280655e-03  3.7547646 1.758966e-04
## cond          9.277344e-02 1.795954e-02  5.1656905 2.508722e-07
## eumember0    -8.586409e-03 8.497519e-03 -1.0104607 3.123339e-01
## euemploy      3.659200e-03 1.269275e-02  0.2882905 7.731389e-01
## coemembe      2.082823e-02 7.276808e-03  2.8622754 4.227313e-03
## lngdp        -7.522448e-07 4.501392e-07 -1.6711382 9.477027e-02
## year          8.019830e-04 2.522046e-04  3.1798904 1.484223e-03

Marginal Effects

  • Blattman (2009) uses marginal effects “well” in the sense of causal inference.
  • Use the builtin predict function; it will make your life easier.
d.lm.interact <- lm(policy~ecthrpos*pubsupport+ecthrcountry+lgbtlaws+cond+eumember0+euemploy+coemembe+lngdp+year+issue+ccode,d)
frame0 <- frame1 <- model.frame(d.lm.interact)
frame0[,"ecthrpos"] <- 0
frame1[,"ecthrpos"] <- 1
meff <- mean(predict(d.lm.interact,newd=frame1) - predict(d.lm.interact,newd=frame0))
## [1] 0.08197142
  • Why might this be preferable to “setting things at their means/medians”?
  • It’s essentially integrating over the sample’s distribution of observed characteristics.
  • (And if the sample is a SRS from the population [or survey weights make it LOOK like it is], this will then get you the marginal effect on the population of interest)

Delta Method

  • Note 1: We know that our vector of coefficients are asymptotically multivariate normal.
  • Note 2: We can approximate the distribution of many (not just linear) functions of these coefficients using the delta method.
  • Delta method says that you can approximate the distribution of \(h(b_n)\) with \(\bigtriangledown{h}(b)'\Omega\bigtriangledown{h}(b)\) Where \(\Omega\) is the asymptotic variance of \(b\).
  • In practice, this means that we just need to be able to derive the function whose distribution we wish to approximate.

Trivial Example

  • Maybe we’re interested in the ratio of the coefficient on ecthrpos to that of pubsupport.
  • Call it \(b_2 \over b_3\). The gradient is \((\frac{1}{b_3}, \frac{b_2}{b_3^2})\)
  • Estimate this easily in R with:
## pubsupport   ecthrpos 
##   334.0251  8046.4669
## estimate.ecthrpos         std.error 
##          24.08941          35.32946
##                     Estimate       SE
## ecthrpos/pubsupport 24.08941 35.54775

Linear Functions

  • But for most “marginal effects”, you don’t need to use the delta method.
  • Just remember your rules for variances.
  • \(\text{var}(aX+bY) = a^2\text{var}(X) + b^2\text{var}(Y) + 2ab\text{cov}(X,Y)\)
  • If you are just looking at changes with respect to a single variable, you can just multiply standard errors.
  • That is, a change in a variable of 3 units means that the standard error for the marginal effect would be 3 times the standard error of the coefficient.
  • This isn’t what Clarify does, though.

Instrumental Variables

  • \(\rho = {\text{Cov}(Y_i,Z_i) \over \text{Cov}(S_i,Z_i)} = { { \text{Cov}(Y_i,Z_i) \over \text{Var}(Z_i)} \over {\text{Cov}(S_i,Z_i) \over \text{Var}(Z_i)}} = {\text{Reduced form} \over \text{First stage}}\)
  • If we have a perfect instrument, this will be unbiased.
  • But bias is a function of both violation of exclusion restriction and of strength of first stage.
  • 2SLS has finite sample bias. (Cyrus showed this, but didn’t dwell on it)
  • In particular, it can be shown that this bias “is”:
    \({\sigma_{\eta \xi} \over \sigma_{\xi}^2}{1 \over F + 1}\)
    where \(\eta\) is the error in the structural model and \(\xi\) is the error in the first stage.
  • With an irrelevant instrument (\(F=0\)), the bias is equal to that of OLS (regression of \(Y\) on \(X\)).
  • There are some bias corrections for this, we might talk about this next week.

Setup IV example

  • For our example with IV, we will start with AJR (2001) - Colonial Origins of Comparative Development
  • Treatment is average protection from expropriation
  • Exogenous covariates are dummies for British/French colonial presence
  • Instrument is settler mortality
  • Outcome is log(GDP) in 1995
dat <- read.dta("maketable5.dta")
dat <- subset(dat, baseco==1)

Estimate IV via 2SLS

first <- lm(avexpr~logem4+f_brit+f_french,dat)
## Linear hypothesis test
## Hypothesis:
## logem4 = 0
## Model 1: restricted model
## Model 2: avexpr ~ logem4 + f_brit + f_french
##   Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)    
## 1     61 116.983                                  
## 2     60  94.013  1    22.969 14.659 0.0003101 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Examine First Stage

## Call:
## lm(formula = avexpr ~ logem4 + f_brit + f_french, data = dat)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.98210 -0.86954  0.05616  0.86237  2.79411 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   8.7467     0.6904  12.669  < 2e-16 ***
## logem4       -0.5344     0.1396  -3.829  0.00031 ***
## f_brit        0.6293     0.3665   1.717  0.09109 .  
## f_french      0.0474     0.4295   0.110  0.91249    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.252 on 60 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.3081, Adjusted R-squared:  0.2736 
## F-statistic: 8.908 on 3 and 60 DF,  p-value: 5.704e-05

Examine Output

## Call:
## ivreg(formula = logpgp95 ~ avexpr + f_brit + f_french | logem4 + 
##     f_brit + f_french, data = dat)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -2.2716 -0.7488  0.0728  0.7544  2.4004 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   1.3724     1.3880   0.989    0.327    
## avexpr        1.0779     0.2176   4.953 6.28e-06 ***
## f_brit       -0.7777     0.3543  -2.195    0.032 *  
## f_french     -0.1170     0.3548  -0.330    0.743    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.043 on 60 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-Squared: 0.04833, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0007476 
## Wald test: 10.07 on 3 and 60 DF,  p-value: 1.822e-05

Sensitivity Analysis

  • Conley, Hansen and Rossi (2012)
  • Suppose that the exclusion restriction does NOT hold, and there exists a direct effect from the instrument to the outcome.
  • That is, the structural model is:
    \(Y = X\beta + Z\gamma + \epsilon\)
  • If \(\gamma\) is zero, the exclusion restriction holds (we’re in a structural framework)
  • We can assume a particular value of \(\gamma\), take \(\tilde{Y} = Y - Z\gamma\) and estimate our model, gaining an estimate of \(\beta\).
  • This defines a sensitivity analysis on the exclusion restriction.
  • Subject to an assumption about the support of \(\gamma\), they suggest estimating in a grid over this domain, and then taking the union of the confidence intervals for each value of \(\gamma\) as the combined confidence interval (which will cover).

Sensitivity Analysis code

gamma <- seq(-1,1,.25)
ExclSens <- function(g) {
  newY <- dat$logpgp95 - g*dat$logem4
sens.coefs <- sapply(gamma,ExclSens)
names(sens.coefs)<- round(gamma,3)
##     -1  -0.75   -0.5  -0.25      0   0.25    0.5   0.75      1 
## -0.793 -0.326  0.142  0.610  1.078  1.546  2.013  2.481  2.949

More IV Stuff

  • We’re going to be looking at Ananat (2011) in AEJ
  • This study looks at the effect of racial segregation on economic outcomes.
  • Outcome: Poverty rate & Inequality (Gini index)
  • Treatment: Segregation
  • Instrument: “railroad division index”
  • Main covariate of note: railroad length in a town
  • I’m dichotomizing treatment and instrument for simplicity.
  • And my outcomes are for the Black subsample
d$herf_b<-with(d,ifelse(herf >= quantile(herf,.5),1,0))
d$dism1990_b<-with(d,ifelse(dism1990 >= quantile(dism1990,.5),1,0))
first.stage <- lm(dism1990~herf+lenper,d)
first.stage.b <- lm(dism1990_b~herf_b+lenper,d)
gini.iv <- ivreg(lngini_b~dism1990+lenper,~herf+lenper,d)
gini.iv.b <- ivreg(lngini_b~dism1990_b+lenper,~herf_b+lenper,d)
pov.iv <- ivreg(povrate_b~dism1990+lenper,~herf+lenper,d)
pov.iv.b <- ivreg(povrate_b~dism1990_b+lenper,~herf_b+lenper,d)

Base Results

##   Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|) 
##      0.357      0.081      4.395      0.000
##   Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|) 
##      0.372      0.083      4.481      0.000
##   Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|) 
##      0.875      0.302      2.895      0.005
##   Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|) 
##      0.211      0.081      2.615      0.010
##   Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|) 
##      0.258      0.144      1.798      0.075
##   Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|) 
##      0.059      0.039      1.543      0.125

Abadie’s \(\kappa\)

  • Recall from the lecture that we can use a weighting scheme to calculate statistics on the compliant population.
  • \(E[g(Y,D,X)|D_1 > D_0] = {1 \over p(D_1>D_0)} E[\kappa g(Y,D,X)]\)
  • \(\kappa = 1 - {D_i (1-Z_i) \over p(Z_i =0|X)} - {(1-D_i)Z_i \over p(Z_i =1|X)}\)
  • \(E[\kappa|X] = E[D_1 -D_0|X] = E[D|X,Z=1] - E[D|X,Z=0]\)
  • Take \(w_i = {\kappa_i \over E[D_{1}-D_{0}|X_i]}\)
  • Use this in calculating any interesting statistics (means, variance, etc)
  • This let’s you explore the units composing your LATE.
getKappaWt<-function(D,Z) {
  pz <- mean(Z)
  pcomp <- mean(D[Z==1]) - mean(D[Z==0])
  if(pcomp < 0) stop("Assuming p(D|Z) > .5")
  kappa <- 1 - D*(1-Z)/(1-pz) - (1-D)*Z/pz
  # Note that pcomp = mean(kappa)
  kappa / pcomp
w <- with(d,getKappaWt(D=dism1990_b,Z=herf_b))
varlist <- c("closeness","area1910","ctyliterate1920","hsdrop_b","manshr","ctymanuf_wkrs1920","ngov62")
samp.stats<-sapply(varlist,function(v) mean(d[,v],na.rm=TRUE))
comp.stats<-sapply(varlist,function(v) weighted.mean(d[,v],w,na.rm=TRUE))

Examine Complier Statistics

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  -2.511  -2.429   2.470   1.000   2.470   2.470
##           closeness area1910 ctyliterate1920  hsdrop_b    manshr
## sample    -362.4348 14626.43       0.9585012 0.2516300 0.1891766
## compliers -299.1428 18012.56       0.9514523 0.2423754 0.2109807
##           ctymanuf_wkrs1920   ngov62
## sample            0.4618666 55.55072
## compliers         0.4266065 83.65072