
Drew Dimmery

February 21, 2014

Structure of Class

  • Today we're going to talk about:
    1. *apply functions
    2. Marginal Effects
    3. Sensitivity analysis for post-treament bias

The *apply family

  • These functions allow one to efficiently perform a large number of actions on data.
  • apply - performs actions on the rows or columns of a matrix/array (1 for rows, 2 for columns, 3 for ??)
  • sapply - performs actions on every element of a vector
  • tapply - performs actions on a vector by group
  • replicate - performs the same action a given number of times


##   c d
## a 1 3
## b 2 4
apply(A, 1, sum)
## a b 
## 4 6
apply(A, 2, mean)
##   c   d 
## 1.5 3.5


## [1] "a" "b" "c"
sapply(vec, function(x) paste0(x, ".vec"))
##       a       b       c 
## "a.vec" "b.vec" "c.vec"
  • Can be accomplished more simply with:
paste0(vec, ".vec")
## [1] "a.vec" "b.vec" "c.vec"
  • Why?

  • replicate is basically just sapply(1:N,funct) where funct never uses the index.


tapply(1:10, makeGroups(5, 2), mean)
##   1   2   3   4   5 
## 1.5 3.5 5.5 7.5 9.5

Local Linear Regression

  • \(W\) is an \(n\times p\) diagonal weighting matrix, \(h\) is a "bandwidth".
  • Diagonal entries are \(\frac{3}{4}\cdot(1-d^2)\cdot 1_{\{|d|\le 1\}}\) where \(d = \frac{X-c}{h}\)
  • \(\hat{\beta}_c = (X'WX)^{-1}X'WY\)
  • Covariance matrix is \(s^2(X'WX)^{-1}\)
loc.lin <- function(Y, X, c = 0, bw = sd(X)/2) {
    d <- (X - c)/bw
    W <- 3/4 * (1 - d^2) * (abs(d) < 1)
    W <- diag(W)
    X <- cbind(1, d)
    b <- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W %*% Y
    sigma <- t(Y - X %*% b) %*% W %*% (Y - X %*% b)/(sum(diag(W) > 0) - 2)
    sigma <- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) * c(sigma)
    return(c(est = b[1], se = sqrt(diag(sigma))[1]))

Simulate some Data

set.seed(1023)  # Important for replication
X <- rnorm(1000, 0, 5)
Y <- sin(5 * X) * exp(abs(X)) + rnorm(1000)
dat <- data.frame(X, Y)
plot(X, Y, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(-50, 50))

Look at the Kernel

x <- seq(-1, 1, 0.01)
y <- 3/4 * (1 - x^2)
plot(x, y, type = "l", xlab = "h", ylab = "weight")

Fit the Surface

X.est <- seq(0, 5, 0.1)
dat.llm <- sapply(X.est, function(x) loc.lin(Y, X, c = x, bw = 0.25))
plot(X, Y, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(-50, 50), pch = 20)
lines(X.est, dat.llm[1, ], col = "red")
lines(X.est, dat.llm[1, ] + 1.96 * dat.llm[2, ], col = "pink")
lines(X.est, dat.llm[1, ] - 1.96 * dat.llm[2, ], col = "pink")

Introduce Example

  • We'll be working with data from a paper in the most recent issue of IO.
  • Helfer, L.R. and E. Voeten. (2014) "International Courts as Agents of Legal Change: Evidence from LGBT Rights in Europe"
  • The treatment we are interested in is the presence of absence of a ECtHR judgment.
  • The outcome is the adoption of progressive LGBT policy.
  • And there's a battery of controls, of course.
  • Voeten has helpfully put all replication materials online.

Prepare example

require(foreign, quietly = TRUE)
d <- read.dta("replicationdataIOLGBT.dta")
# Base specification
d$ecthrpos <- as.double(d$ecthrpos) - 1
d.lm <- lm(policy ~ ecthrpos + pubsupport + ecthrcountry + lgbtlaws + cond + 
    eumember0 + euemploy + coemembe + lngdp + year + issue + ccode, d)
d <- d[-d.lm$na.action, ]
d$issue <- as.factor(d$issue)
d$ccode <- as.factor(d$ccode)
summary(d.lm)$coefficients[1:11, ]
##                Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)  -1.589e+00  4.956e-01 -3.2052 1.360e-03
## ecthrpos      6.501e-02  1.056e-02  6.1537 8.289e-10
## pubsupport    6.549e-03  2.743e-03  2.3877 1.700e-02
## ecthrcountry  1.297e-01  3.584e-02  3.6201 2.980e-04
## lgbtlaws      2.358e-02  6.281e-03  3.7548 1.759e-04
## cond          9.277e-02  1.796e-02  5.1657 2.509e-07
## eumember0    -8.586e-03  8.498e-03 -1.0105 3.123e-01
## euemploy      3.659e-03  1.269e-02  0.2883 7.731e-01
## coemembe      2.083e-02  7.277e-03  2.8623 4.227e-03
## lngdp        -7.522e-07  4.501e-07 -1.6711 9.477e-02
## year          8.020e-04  2.522e-04  3.1799 1.484e-03

Marginal Effects

  • There has seemed to be a bit of confusion over marginal effects.
  • The Blattman paper in HW3 uses marginal effects "well" in the sense of causal inference.
  • The Huber et al. paper uses them in a very standard way, but perhaps not the way we'd want to think about them in THIS class.
  • Use the builtin predict function; it will make your life easier.
d.lm.interact <- lm(policy ~ ecthrpos * pubsupport + ecthrcountry + lgbtlaws + 
    cond + eumember0 + euemploy + coemembe + lngdp + year + issue + ccode, d)
frame0 <- frame1 <- model.frame(d.lm.interact)
frame0[, "ecthrpos"] <- 0
frame1[, "ecthrpos"] <- 1
meff <- mean(predict(d.lm.interact, newd = frame1) - predict(d.lm.interact, 
    newd = frame0))
## [1] 0.08197
  • Why might this be preferable to "setting things at their means/medians"?
  • It's essentially integrating over the sample's distribution of observed characteristics.
  • (And if the sample is a SRS from the population [or survey weights make it LOOK like it is], this will then get you the marginal effect on the population of interest)

Delta Method

  • Note 1: We know that our vector of coefficients are asymptotically multivariate normal.
  • Note 2: We can approximate the distribution of many (not just linear) functions of these coefficients using the delta method.
  • Delta method says that you can approximate the distribution of \(h(b_n)\) with \(\bigtriangledown{h}(b)'\Omega\bigtriangledown{h}(b)\) Where \(\Omega\) is the asymptotic variance of \(b\).
  • In practice, this means that we just need to be able to derive the function whose distribution we wish to approximate.

Trivial Example

  • We're interested in the ratio of the coefficient on ecthrpos to that of pubsupport.
  • Call it \(b_2 \over b_3\). The gradient is \((\frac{1}{b_3}, \frac{b_2}{b_3^2})\)
  • Estimate this easily in R with:
grad <- c(1/coef(d.lm)[3], coef(d.lm)[2]/coef(d.lm)[3]^2)
## pubsupport   ecthrpos 
##        334       8046
se <- sqrt(t(grad) %*% vcov(d.lm)[2:3, 2:3] %*% grad)
est <- coef(d.lm)[2]/coef(d.lm)[3]
c(estimate = est, std.error = se)
## estimate.ecthrpos         std.error 
##             24.09             35.33
deltaMethod(d.lm, "ecthrpos/pubsupport")
##                     Estimate    SE
## ecthrpos/pubsupport    24.09 35.55

Linear Functions

  • But for most "marginal effects", you don't need to use the delta method.
  • Just remember your rules for variances.
  • \(\text{var}(aX+bY) = a^2\text{var}(X) + b^2\text{var}(Y) + 2ab\text{cov}(X,Y)\)
  • If you are just looking at changes with respect to a single variable, you can just multiply standard errors.
  • That is, a change in a variable of 3 units means that the standard error for the marginal effect would be 3 times the standard error of the coefficient.
  • This isn't what Clarify does, though. It is weird.

Zelig for Marginal Effects

  • (Zelig works like Clarify. [gee, I wonder why?])
# install.packages('Zelig', repos='', type='source')
require(Zelig, quietly = TRUE)
d.zg <- zelig(policy ~ ecthrpos * pubsupport + ecthrcountry + lgbtlaws + cond + 
    eumember0 + euemploy + coemembe + lngdp + year + issue + ccode, d, model = "ls", 
    cite = FALSE)
x0 <- setx(d.zg, ecthrpos = 0)
x1 <- setx(d.zg, ecthrpos = 1)
out <- sim(d.zg, x = x0, x1 = x1)
c(mean(out$qi$fd), meff)
## [1] 0.08150 0.08197

Sensitivity Analysis

  • We're adding to Cyrus's discussion on post-treatment bias with a sensitivity analysis.
  • This is also in Rosenbaum (1984), which he mentioned in class.
  • The variable which one might think could induce post-treatment bias in our example is that of "public acceptance".

Rosenbaum Bounding

  • In general Rosenbaum is a proponent of trying to "bound" biases.
  • He does this in his "normal" sensitivity analysis method, and we do the same, here.
  • We will assume a "surrogate" for \(U\) (necessary for CIA), which is observed post-treatment.
  • The surrogate has two potential outcomes: \(S_1\) and \(S_0\)
  • It is presumed to have a linear response on the outcome.
  • (As are the other observed covariates)
  • This gives us the following two regression models: \(E[Y_1|S_1 = s , X = x] = \mu_1 + \beta' x + \gamma's\) and
    \(E[Y_0|S_0 = s , X = x] = \mu_0 + \beta' x + \gamma's\)
  • This gives us:
    \(\tau = E[ (\mu_1 + \beta' X + \gamma'S_1) - (\mu_0 + \beta' X + \gamma'S_0)]\)
  • Which is equal to the following useful expression:
    \(\tau = \mu_1 - \mu_0 + \gamma'( E[S_1 - S_0])\)
  • For us, this means that \(\tau = \beta_1 + \beta_2 E[S_1 - S_0]\)

Back to example

  • Our surrogate is public acceptance.
  • But it can be swayed by court opinions, right? This is at least plausible.
  • Let's try and get some reasonable bounds on \(\tau\).
sdS <- sd(d$pubsupport)
Ediff <- c(-1.5 * sdS, -sdS, -sdS/2, 0, sdS/2, sdS, 1.5 * sdS)
tau <- coef(d.lm)[2] + coef(d.lm)[3] * Ediff
names(tau) <- c("-1.5", "-1", "-.5", "0", ".5", "1", "1.5")
##    -1.5      -1     -.5       0      .5       1     1.5 
## 0.06621 0.06818 0.07015 0.07212 0.07409 0.07606 0.07803
  • But with this method, you don't necessarily have to assume that the regression functions are this rigid.
  • Can you think about how one might relax some assumptions?