This takes a dataset, a column with a unique identifier and an arbitrary number of covariates on which to stratify the splits. It returns the original dataset with an additional column .split_id corresponding to an identifier for the split.

make_splits(data, identifier, ..., .num_splits)





Unquoted name of unique identifier column


variables on which to stratify (requires that quickblock be installed.)


number of splits to create. If VIMP is requested in QoI_cfg, this must be an even number.


original dataframe with additional .split_id column


To see an example analysis, read vignette("experimental_analysis") in the context of an experiment, vignette("experimental_analysis") for an observational study, or vignette("methodological_details") for a deeper dive under the hood.


if(require("palmerpenguins")) {
data(package = 'palmerpenguins')
penguins$unitid = seq_len(nrow(penguins))
penguins$propensity = rep(0.5, nrow(penguins))
penguins$treatment = rbinom(nrow(penguins), 1, penguins$propensity)
cfg <- basic_config() %>% 
add_known_propensity_score("propensity") %>%
add_outcome_model("SL.glm.interaction") %>%
attach_config(penguins, cfg) %>%
make_splits(unitid, .num_splits = 4) %>%
produce_plugin_estimates(outcome = body_mass_g, treatment = treatment, species, sex) %>%
construct_pseudo_outcomes(body_mass_g, treatment) %>%
estimate_QoI(species, sex)
#> Dropped 11 of 344 rows (3.2%) through listwise deletion.

#> estimating nuisance models [-----------------------------------] splits: 0 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [========>--------------------------] splits: 1 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [=================>-----------------] splits: 2 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [=========================>---------] splits: 3 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [===================================] splits: 4 / 4

#> Dropped 11 of 344 rows (3.2%) through listwise deletion.
#> Skipping diagnostic on .pseudo_outcome due to lack of model.
#> # A tibble: 11 × 5
#>    estimand       term                   level                estimate std_error
#>    <chr>          <chr>                  <chr>                   <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 MSE            body_mass_g            Control Response   101019.    10670.   
#>  2 MSE            body_mass_g            Treatment Response  97656.     9718.   
#>  3 SL risk        SL.glm.interaction_All Control Response   101139.     4266.   
#>  4 SL risk        SL.glm_All             Control Response   103637.     5534.   
#>  5 SL risk        SL.glm.interaction_All Treatment Response  98217.     5473.   
#>  6 SL risk        SL.glm_All             Treatment Response 100650.     3581.   
#>  7 SL coefficient SL.glm.interaction_All Control Response        0.655     0.131
#>  8 SL coefficient SL.glm_All             Control Response        0.345     0.131
#>  9 SL coefficient SL.glm.interaction_All Treatment Response      0.664     0.134
#> 10 SL coefficient SL.glm_All             Treatment Response      0.336     0.134
#> 11 SATE           NA                     NA                    -31.6      33.9