This takes a dataset with an identified outcome and treatment column along with any number of covariates and appends three columns to the dataset corresponding to an estimate of the conditional expectation of treatment (.pi_hat), along with the conditional expectation of the control and treatment potential outcome surfaces (.mu0_hat and .mu1_hat respectively).

produce_plugin_estimates(data, outcome, treatment, ..., .weights = NULL)



dataframe (already prepared with attach_config and make_splits)


Unquoted name of the outcome variable.


Unquoted name of the treatment variable.


Unquoted names of covariates to include in the models of the nuisance functions.


Unquoted name of weights column. If NULL, all analysis will assume weights are all equal to one and sample-based quantities will be returned.


To see an example analysis, read vignette("experimental_analysis") in the context of an experiment, vignette("experimental_analysis") for an observational study, or vignette("methodological_details") for a deeper dive under the hood.


if(require("palmerpenguins")) {
data(package = 'palmerpenguins')
penguins$unitid = seq_len(nrow(penguins))
penguins$propensity = rep(0.5, nrow(penguins))
penguins$treatment = rbinom(nrow(penguins), 1, penguins$propensity)
cfg <- basic_config() %>% 
add_known_propensity_score("propensity") %>%
add_outcome_model("SL.glm.interaction") %>%
attach_config(penguins, cfg) %>%
make_splits(unitid, .num_splits = 4) %>%
produce_plugin_estimates(outcome = body_mass_g, treatment = treatment, species, sex) %>%
construct_pseudo_outcomes(body_mass_g, treatment) %>%
estimate_QoI(species, sex)
#> Dropped 11 of 344 rows (3.2%) through listwise deletion.

#> estimating nuisance models [-----------------------------------] splits: 0 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [========>--------------------------] splits: 1 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [=================>-----------------] splits: 2 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [=========================>---------] splits: 3 / 4

#> estimating nuisance models [===================================] splits: 4 / 4

#> Dropped 11 of 344 rows (3.2%) through listwise deletion.
#> Skipping diagnostic on .pseudo_outcome due to lack of model.
#> # A tibble: 11 × 5
#>    estimand       term                   level                estimate std_error
#>    <chr>          <chr>                  <chr>                   <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 MSE            body_mass_g            Control Response      1.08e+5   1.02e+4
#>  2 MSE            body_mass_g            Treatment Response    9.41e+4   1.11e+4
#>  3 SL risk        SL.glm.interaction_All Control Response      1.11e+5   1.98e+3
#>  4 SL risk        SL.glm_All             Control Response      1.21e+5   3.56e+3
#>  5 SL risk        SL.glm.interaction_All Treatment Response    9.72e+4   4.66e+3
#>  6 SL risk        SL.glm_All             Treatment Response    9.21e+4   1.69e+3
#>  7 SL coefficient SL.glm.interaction_All Control Response      9.54e-1   3.90e-2
#>  8 SL coefficient SL.glm_All             Control Response      4.61e-2   3.90e-2
#>  9 SL coefficient SL.glm.interaction_All Treatment Response    2.04e-1   2.04e-1
#> 10 SL coefficient SL.glm_All             Treatment Response    7.96e-1   2.04e-1
#> 11 SATE           NA                     NA                    2.55e+1   3.42e+1